If there is more than one buyer making an offer, how will this be handled?

| May 22, 2017

One market strategy is to pick an asking price to attract buyers, then the buyers compete with each other, driving the price up.  We would then conduct a “Highest and Best”.  It is called that in recognition that the buyer offering the highest price may not be the best candidate to go into contract with.  The “Best” gives weight to the big picture of the buyer’s finances and specific situation to insure that they will close and in a timely manner.  Our skills in conducting the “Highest and Best” will achieve the best price offered by the best buyer.

How will I know what a buyer’s engineer has said about my home?

| May 22, 2017

Brooklyn Properties has in depth experience about every aspect of house construction and will be able to advise you about the condition of your home early in the process.  We will be well prepared and knowledgeable in dealing with whatever the engineer brings to the attention of the buyer.

If a buyer needs to sell his property in order to buy mine, how do we proceed?

| May 22, 2017

The timing of selling a home and then buying another is frequently very difficult.  If we are considering a buyer with a sales contingency, Brooklyn Properties will examine the details of your buyer’s sale to be able to assess and minimize the degree of risk.